Basic Training Course 2012-2013
Currently, 30 students are undertaking the basic training course, and will graduate in March 2013. The current students were selected after the recruitment presentation in February last year, when according to the usual schedule, SDC staff went to community based organizations (CBOs) based in Karenni camps and along the Thai/Burma border such as Karenni High School, Karenni community college (KnCC), Karenni Ever Green (KEG), and Karenni Women Organization (KnWO), and gave presentations about SDC’s vision, mission, objectives and activities, and distributed application forms for students to apply to attend the 2012-2013 basic training course.
After the recruitment presentation, an entrance test and interview session was held in April 2012 according to SDC procedure. 96 applicants sat the entrance test on 20th April, and after the test, the applicants were interviewed by our staff over two days. Out of the 96 applicants, 30 students were selected, with results announced on 30th April 2012. On 12th May, 2012, the students and their parents were invited to the school, and we explained to them the policy and expectations of the school. On that occasion, the students and their parents signed their offer letters, and were officially enrolled. The students moved into the SDC facilities in Karenni Refugee Camp #1 on 25th May 2012.