In February 2014, our alumni inside completed their inside trainings. In our 2013- 2014 school year, we conducted three trainings on the constitution. The trainers were SDC alumni: Gay Gorio, Na Ree, Aye Aung and Saw Maung.
35 local villagers attended each of the trainings. The first training was in Pruso; the second was in Demoso (LeeWoo); the final training was in Demoso (Kwaingei). Each project required substantial on the ground planning because of the unpredictable situation inside Karenni State.
Our alumni planned and organised the projects by firstly informing the village heads of their intentions to run trainings. This was important in order to get permission and enable people to attend. The trainings were on the subjects of democracy, government, human rights and the rule of law.
During the trainings, the feedback from participants was that the knowledge was useful. One measure of success has been the requests we have received from people in Pruso for further trainings. There have also been specific requests for support and information about land confiscation issues.
![Gay Gorio, SDC alumni and former political prisoner, shares about his experiences](http://sdcthailand.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/img_20131201_150824-e1402647291735.jpg)