A short history of conflict in Karenni State
The ethnic groups that comprise Karenni State have suffered from a long history of conflict. The ongoing ceasefire talks will hopefully bring forth a peace process and an end to this suffering, but this is not the first ceasefire in the 66 year conflict and Karenni people know, now, more than ever that their hopes of returning to their homeland can be easily dashed.
The history of the Karenni provides context for the conflict and the current negotiations. The Karenni were previously granted independence in 1875, according to an agreement between the Burmese government and the British colonial administration.
After World War II, the Karenni were invited to join the union of Burma but they refused citing their long history as an independent state. In 1947, the father of Burmese independence, General Aung San was assassinated. Following this, U Nu took power in Burma and he encouraged Karenni State to be written into the constitution as a constituent part of the union.