School recruitment in Karenni Camp 1
During the summer season, schools in Karenni Refugee Camp 1 recruit their new students. These schools include our SDC. We have now successfully recruited our new classes for the 2015 – 2016 Basic Course and the 6th Advanced Community Management Training Course. We have 51 students ready to begin the SDC Basic Course and 20 Students preparing to start the Advanced Course.
Our SDC staff have all been very busy in the past month with recruitment and preparation for the new school year. Both groups of students have experienced an interview and entrance exam. After the interviews and entrance exams, our staff began the difficult task of selecting the students. For the basic course, we selected 28 women and 23 men. For the advanced course, we selected 10 women and 10 men.
For the basic course, we interviewed and selected from students who had completed grade 10 in the refugee camp or inside Burma. For the advanced course, we selected from our...