5th Advanced Course Graduation Ceremony

5th Advanced Course Graduation Ceremony

On 10th December 2014, we held a graduation ceremony for the students who have completed our 5th Advanced Community Management Training Course. This course is run in collaboration with our partner organisation, EarthRights.   The graduation day was celebrated in a joint ceremony along with human rights day. Prior to the celebration, on the 9th December, we organised a variety of competitions. The competitions included sports such as volleyball and caneball. There was also poetry writing and singing. SDC students participated in the competitions alongside students from other schools within our community.   During the graduation day, we held speeches from community leaders and gave out prizes to the students. After the ceremony, staff, guests and students enjoyed food and drinks together as our community celebrated their achievements.   The 5th Advanced Community Management Training Course included the subjects of; campaigning and lobbying; community organisation and mobilisation; report writing; project planning; proposal writing; international law; sustainable development; office and organisation management ; and computer. The next...
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Soe Meh’s story

Q: Can you say a little bit about your history? A: I was born in Loikaw Township, in 1989. I grew up in Daw Kraw Aw village. I stayed there until I was 13 years old. After this, I arrived to Karenni Refugee Camp 3 in 2000. I attended middle school there. I stayed with my uncle and my cousin. I didn’t stay with my mother. After a year, my mother came to camp 1 so I moved there and continued my schooling. After I finished high school, I attended the SDC basic course 2009-2010.   Q: How was your experience at SDC School?   A: When I attended SDC School, I was very happy to attend and I was very interested in the subjects. I tried hard to speak Burmese and English. Before I attended the school, I couldn’t speak Burmese very well. I was very happy to attend SDC School. My favourite subjects were Environment and English. I enjoyed studying environment because all...
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A meeting with our donors, AJWS

A meeting with our donors, AJWS

On August 5th, We met with our donors, American Jewish World Service, AJWS. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to discuss the progress of our project, our past achievements and our future plans.   During the meeting, we focused on how to challenge the main issues in Karenni State such as land confiscation. We also spoke about the current political situation and how conducive to civil society it is.   AJWS also used the opportunity of the visit as a chance to see our school in action. They spent some of the afternoon sitting in on one of our classes. We have attached a video below about the day.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=480U_AowXXc  ...
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Knowledge and Information Sharing

Knowledge and Information Sharing

Many of our students have known nothing outside of the camp's boundaries for their whole life. It is common that ethnic students along the border to have precious little knowledge of news and current affairs. For our SDC students, we aim to change that. This month, students on SDC's basic course were introduced to a new activity: Information sharing. Beginning on the basic course, this year, every Friday, our students will present information about current news either in Burma or internationally to their fellow students. The students will present their information, individually, and each week different students will be selected to provide information. We believe this activity will both further our students' knowledge of the world around them as well as provide a valuable opportunity to improve their public speaking and presentation skills. The activity fits in well with our school policy of providing learner centered activities for our students. This activity will also soon be implemented on the SDC...
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Nga Meh’s Story

Nga Meh’s Story

Q: What is your history ? A: I am a Kayah woman, born in Saw Uyoe Lay on the Thai-Burma border. My parents are from Shadaw, Karenni State. I’ve never been to Karenni State and grew up in the camps. First, I lived in Karenni Refugee Camp 3 but later we were all moved to Karenni Refugee Camp 1.I studied from nursery school to grade 10 in the camps. After that I completed the SDC basic course 2012-2013 & 4th ACMTC .   Q: Why did you apply to SDC? A: After grade 10, I was interested in the environment, human rights and the rule of law so I applied to SDC. Most of our community doesn't understand human rights, the     environment or rule of law. These issues are very important for our people. So for me, I knew if I could learn about these subjects, one day I could share this knowledge with other people.   “Before attending this class, I didn’t know about legal...
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World Refugee Day Celebration

World Refugee Day Celebration

On 20th June 2014, our students were involved in the world refugee day celebrations in Karenni Refugee Camp 1. The UNHCR requested for our students to help them to implement their activities on that day. Some of our students helped prepare an exhibition about the activities of various organizations and our Karenni culture. At the ceremony, organizations shared brochures as well as seeds and vegetables. Our students helped run games and competitions for the audience. The winners of the competitions were awarded with some prizes by the UNHCR. During the ceremony, there was a big audience. There were over 400 people including children and parents. Everyone had a lot of fun....
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Karenni National Day Celebration 2014

Karenni National Day Celebration 2014

To celebrate the 139th anniversary of Karenni National Day on the 21st June 2014, Our  SDC students participated in a march through the refugee camp. They carried an SDC banner and marched alongside a number of other organizations including the IRC. There were also students from the high school and middle school. After concluding the march, all of the attendees sat down to listen to speeches by Karenni leaders about Karenni history and the importance of the day....
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Archived 2012: Staff Development Training

Archived 2012: Staff Development Training

To promote the skills of the staff, a basic training program on how to set up a website was organised for 7 staff members of SDC from 1st to 5th January 2012. Over the 5 days, the staff members were all eager to learn the basics of setting up a website. The training program was organised by SDC and run by a local trainer; the skills learnt will be helpful for the promotion of SDC activities....
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Than Maung’s Story

Than Maung’s Story

  My name is Than Maung and I am 23 years old. I was born in Naung Htaw village, Shan state of Burma. My parents are both farmers and uneducated. They earn their living from farming. There are 10 members in my family. I finished 10th grade education in Burma in 2006. Because of the unrest of the political in Burma, I fled my native village to the Karenni Refugee camp in 2007. At the same time as arriving in the Refugee camp, I re-joined 10th grade again and finished it in 2009. Until I finished 10th grade in Burma, I had never heard about Human rights, the Environment, the Rule of law or Democracy. And most of my community lack of the knowledge of the Human Rights, the Environment, the Rule of Law and Democracy because we have no access to information and no opportunities to learn about it. Actually, these subjects are ignored by the SPDC government and they...
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